Maya Guillaumont
About Myself !
Recently graduated with a Ph.D in computational chemistry at Sorbonne University, I am now interesting in other research fields implying Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. I like the way new technologies as NTIC can impact our daily life and make the difference in many research areas. I am also convinced that we must be cautious and keep our fundamental ethical principles trough all these major advances.
Why a Ph.D in computational chemistry ?
After a general scientific training during my bachelor in biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics oriented towards biomedical applications, I choose to integrate a Master degree in physical-chemistry, at Sorbonne University, to dive more into theoretical concepts. In this Master, I challenged myself by learning more about quantum chemistry, statistical thermodynamics, programming and computational science. I discovered that computational chemistry can be used as a major comprehensive and interpretive tool and involve many other scientific fields. As I am curious by nature and always seek for new intellectual challenges, I decided to do a Ph.D in applied quantum chemistry in order to become an expert in this field and to grow skills in all related fields.
Data Science and AI !
I discovered Data science and AI during my Ph.D because the question of how to collect, organize, treat and interpret the data is an omnipresent matter in computational chemistry. Mostly due to the growing computational power that gives access to a huge amount of numerical data. Here I have chosen confusion matrix to illustrate data science and AI, because I believe the way to represent data and to present results is among the most important matter, particularly to ovoid data misinterpretation and biased conclusions. For that, I think data scientist should have a critical thinking, an open mind, show curiosity and should always follow a systematic and scientific approach. He also has a multidisciplinary culture and good communication skills. Because data science and AI can impact our society in various and substantial ways, I believe great responsibility may lie on numerous scientists. For these reasons, I deeply support UL6S daily work to promote an independent and valuable certification with an high level of requirements and expectations.